Sunday, 12 June 2011

We will set up your company for free

As an exciting new offer for all start-ups and sole traders we are offering to register your company with Company's House for free*.

We recognise how all your costs mount up when you are setting up a new business often at the one time you have litle or no income. Setting up a new company is remarkably simple if you know how and most accountants or legal firms will charge you £200+ for the priviledge. Now Ravenbolt Limited will set it up for free.

What is included:
1 Our inital meeting and consultancy are all free.
2 We will ensure that you proposed company name is available and acceptable
3 We will complete all the relevant forms
4 We will advise you on share capital and Directors
5 We will send off the forms for you and ensure the registration is completed

What isnt included:
Companies House charge for registration, either £18 online or £40 of you want to complete the forms by hand and post them. 

Why are we doing this:
We are hope that once you meet us you will like us and then retain our services as you grow and become more successful.

*excluding any Companies House costs and postage